
We have a small herd of Gloucester Old Spot pigs which are a traditional British breed known for their distinctive white coat with black spots. Here are their key attributes:

  • •      Coat: White with distinct black spots, particularly on the ears, eyes, and hindquarters.

    •      Build: Medium to large-sized pigs with a deep, muscular body and a broad, well-shaped frame.

    • Docile and Friendly: Known for their calm, gentle nature, making them easy to handle.

  • •      Highly Marbled Pork: The breed is prized for its marbled, tender meat, which has a rich flavour and is often used for premium pork products like sausages and bacon.

    •      Juicy and Flavourful: The fat distribution makes the meat moist and flavourful, with a characteristic sweetness.

  • •      Slow Growth: Gloucester Old Spots are slower-growing compared to commercial breeds, but their meat quality compensates for this.

    •      Fertility: They are typically good breeders and have good maternal instincts.

  • Adaptable: They do well in both free-range systems and more confined settings. They are hardy pigs, capable of thriving in a range of climates.

Overall, Gloucester Old Spot pigs are valued for their exceptional pork quality, docile temperament, and traditional heritage in British farming and this makes them perfect for our smallholding.



