We have a small herd of Gloucester Old Spot pigs which are a traditional British breed known for their distinctive white coat with black spots. Here are their key attributes:
• Coat: White with distinct black spots, particularly on the ears, eyes, and hindquarters.
• Build: Medium to large-sized pigs with a deep, muscular body and a broad, well-shaped frame.
Docile and Friendly: Known for their calm, gentle nature, making them easy to handle.
• Highly Marbled Pork: The breed is prized for its marbled, tender meat, which has a rich flavour and is often used for premium pork products like sausages and bacon.
• Juicy and Flavourful: The fat distribution makes the meat moist and flavourful, with a characteristic sweetness.
• Slow Growth: Gloucester Old Spots are slower-growing compared to commercial breeds, but their meat quality compensates for this.
• Fertility: They are typically good breeders and have good maternal instincts.
Adaptable: They do well in both free-range systems and more confined settings. They are hardy pigs, capable of thriving in a range of climates.